Monday, August 20, 2012

Independence Day - 2012

As in every year, this year too, the Independence Day was marked with the flag hoisting followed by the cultural showcase of the students at the V K Krishna Menon Academy of  The Borivli Malayali Samajam.

The feeling of patriotism was well performed by the students in the various national dresses and with the vision statement of the great leaders.

Friday, August 3, 2012

We have added another feather in our PALM TREE.

And YES:

 The Malayalam Classes have STARTED.

The 29th of July 2012 will be recorded as the day when the Malayalam classes restarted after decades. This writer had the privilege of learning Malayalam then. And hence, very proudly tells his relatives and friends that yes I can read and write Malayalam though when I speak, it may be heard as Malglish, more because of the English diction that one is used to over the years. But yes, I can bravely travel in Kerala - cos I can read all the destination sign boards, and at times, even the locals asks you for direction, thanks to the confidence personified, due to the knowledge of the language.

The classes was inaugurated by well known writer Dr. C N N Nair, and among the guests of honor were the Past President Mr. A K G Nair and the Past Sr. Vice - President - Mr. M Vijayaraghavan, both who have contributed immensely to the growth of the Borivli Malayali Samajam in general and for establishing the land and the school where it stands in particular.

They were accompanied by the current Managing Committee Members, with the introduction given by Mr. Shriraj Nair (President) Mr. Anil Kumar ( Secretary) and Mr. Damodaran. 

Oh Yes, and the classes were attended by Children, their Mothers and also some Fathers all learning the art of the Malayalam language in toto, with established teachers trained professionally as an initiative of the Kerala Government;  unlike when I learned, this time it promises to be a more dedicated affair and more complete with good amount of literature, too.

If any of you, out there, wants to join this momentum, please free to log onto for further details.

Until then, ബെസ്റ്റ് രീഗാര്‍ദ്സ് .....പവിത്രന്‍