Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Avoid Cancer

Today thanks to the efforts of The Borivli Malayali Samajam, a whole lot of people had the privilege of understanding how the dreaded disease Cancer is caused and how it can be avoided.

The presentation on the subject was done by Dr. Nilesh Ingole, Preventive Oncologist at Tata Memorial Centre and with him was Dr. Kshama Vairagi, who is a Clinical Psychologist at Tata Memorial Centre. The challenge for her is to play the Breaking News.

How you break the news to a patient, so that they undergo the medication course and or come – back for the follow up, and or just be told that 6 Months from now…..!!!
Well Dr. Kshama – no doubt plays a very important role in handling the most important assignment of easing the patient, mentally.

Dr. Nilesh emphasizes that the best way to avoid succumbing to Cancer is to get TREATED EARLY. For most of us, our Vehicle is more important than oneself. The moment your vehicles mileage drops, or starts a little late during ignition, or has a little dry sound while driving, we are sure to take the vehicle to a Garage and get it completely checked up but at the same time we hesitate to take care of ourselves as much, even when we see the symptoms. Or is it that we don’t read the symptoms.


Growth of lump or tumor in your body. This means the combination of cells that grow abnormally in your body. These can be benign or cancerous, but needs to be checked immediately with a qualified doctor. The earlier it is checked, it is ensured that it does not spread in the body. This can be treated by Surgery, Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy, as may be suggested by the doctor.

Certain Cancers like Breast Cancer, Career of the Cervix and Oral Cancer is detected earlier and can be easily prevented from spreading in the body.

7 Warning Signals of Cancer:

1. Hoarseness of Voice
2. Difficult in swallowing solids and liquids
3. Change in Bowel / Bladder habits
4. Change in Wart size / Mole Size.
5.Unusual bleeding from the body outlets – while coughing (indicative of Lung Cancer), while Urinating ( indicative of Urinary Cancer) and Stools ( indicative of Stomach or internal bleeding). Irregular periods and Forced Menopause are also indicative of the need to be checked.
6. Non – healing ulcers in the mouth and Lump in the breast
7. Post – coital bleeding.
Risk Factors:

Þ    60% of detected Cancer is due to the use of Tobacco. It comes in various formats including Cigarette, Gutka, Hookah, Areca Nut, Lime, Bidis, Mashir, Khaini, etc.
Over 9lac people die every year due to tobacco related diseases every year – this       translates to 1 death every 40 seconds.

Þ    HPV (Human Papilova Virus) causes Cervix Cancer

Þ    Hepatitis B Virus Causes Liver Cancer

Þ    Continuous exposure to Chemicals and Dyes can cause Skin Cancer

Þ    Lack of Healthy Exercise / Junk food are also causes of Cancer

The important thing to note is EARLY DETECTION IS COMPLETE CURE.

Also ensuring good diet while undergoing treatment also helps you to recover soon.

Those having any queries and need to be answered can write to:

Remember healthy life style and early detection is the guard to a good happy life.

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